Test cricket is very different from Twenty-Twenty cricket, 3×3 basketball is very different from that played in the NBA, and tournament wargaming is very different from how I like to play my wargames. That latter fact was underlined recently at Britcon, one of t...
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Great Escape Games (GEG) have made some positive forays into plastic production over the last few years, releasing two variety-packed gunfighter se...
T.C. Stephen becomes the third author to add to the world of The Silver Bayonet, taking readers to early 19th Century Calabria in his new expansion...
Continuing their mission to blend weird retro aesthetics, cinematic gaming mechanics, and a smidgen of history, Crooked Dice have released Beneath ...
Show reports present an interesting opportunity for magazine content, especially when the magazine is called Wargames Illustrated. We are lucky* to...
While pacing The Other Partizan last Sunday, doing my best to pick a path between the crowds of attendees, I realised I’m getting to know too man...